A narrative for post-Covid sector’s recovery

From May to October 2020, Task Group 2 was tasked with the development of a narrative to articulate in a positive light the value of the sector in a post-Covid landscape. This narrative is  a shared document to support the advocacy of organisations in their representations ahead of the Spending Review and provides a common narrative for organisations to draw from when articulating the value of heritage to key stakeholders.

The narrative worked around four pillars:

  1. Heritage is human, to highlight the role of heritage for wellbeing, and its value in creating distinctive places and in ‘levelling-up’.
  2. Heritage is economic: it generates economic growth and investments, and creates new paid and voluntary opportunities.
  3. Heritage is green: a well-cared historic environment helps addressing climate change and meeting net-zero carbon target.
  4. Heritage is diplomatic: it strengthens our global positioning.

The Task Group undertook  some positive, light-touch, cross-sector social media activity on the value of heritage under the hashtag #HeritageNow, on 21st October 2020. A summary of involvement and engagement can be found here.

The Task Group liaised with key complementary pieces of cross-sector comms work to ensure join-up and consistency. If you want more information on this narrative, please contact Task Group 2 Manager.