Heritage 2020

Heritage 2020 was a major collaborative initiative to sustain and promote the historic environment of England, encourage access and broaden knowledge for a variety of audiences.
It ran from 2015-2020 and involved over 40 organisations from across the historic environment sector in England.


Heritage 2020 was designed to give new impetus for collaborative action in the heritage sector with public, private and independent interests working together closely, pooling intellectual effort and coordinating financial resources, to achieve far more than is possible by solo effort.

Over the five years to 2020 the sector used the Heritage 2020 Framework to achieve changes in the way that the historic environment of England is understood, valued, cared for and enjoyed. The Heritage 2020 Framework set out shared strategic priorities for organisations to address together to maximise the public benefit of the historic environment in Englan. It was the result of extensive consultation and debate and it built on the successes of the National Heritage Protection Plan 2011-2015 that was published by English Heritage in 2010.

Read the Heritage 2020 Framework (pdf).

The Framework was delivered by five Working Groups (one aligned to each of the strategic themes) that worked across a number of Heritage 2020 topics.

“A key aim of Heritage 2020 is to demonstrate how partnership working can add value and lead to the delivery of outcomes which will enhance the understanding, protection, and engagement of the historic environment in England.”

This section features eight topics that members of the Heritage 2020 working groups worked together to address over the course of the programme from 2015-2020. 

The Heritage 2020 Framework sets out the shared strategic priorities for organisations to address together to maximise the public benefit of the historic environment in England.

The Heritage 2020 vision concentrated on five strategic areas for collaboration, each of which was addressed by a cross-sector working group looking at new ways of working together on the priorities of each theme.