In September 2022, we launched our first ever week-long #HeritageChat. The chat ran from Monday 26th – Friday 30th September, allowing participants to pitch in their ideas and reply to the questions at any time throughout the week. The topic of discussion this month was ‘Learning Legacies for Young People & Educators’. We offered a series of themed questions each day, all exploring sector experiences when it comes to providing or accessing heritage education opportunities for Under-18s.

The chat was co-hosted by Oxford Archaeology, the project leads for the Archaeology Legacy Project, and we were particularly interested to learn more about technological innovation in heritage education.

Participants shared information on what programmes and resources they or their organisations offer to support educators; insights on what methods they believe work well; thoughts on what more the sector can do to support learning; and what factors should be considered when designing and evaluating successful resources.

Around 90 Tweets were shared as part of this #HeritageChat, including links to articles, blog posts, online learning experiences and even a review of #HeritageChat. 

Tou can look back at the full conversation by viewing the collection of Tweets on Twitter here