HEF Highlights October – December 2023
Quarter 3 2023/24 was a busy governance period for the Historic Environment Forum. Our Chair, Dr Adrian Olivier, was re-appointed for a second term of leadership, and we made improvements and updates to our Terms of Reference to reflect how the Forum’s work has grown.
Our Task Groups continued to work collaboratively with partners, with our Resilience Task Group taking steps to review and evaluate activity underway via the Heritage Sector Resilience Plan (HSRP). Our second Task Group scoped and kick-started a new focus on Green Skills in Heritage, with more updates to follow.
The main assembly of HEF gathered twice during Quarter 3, with both meetings in this case providing opportunities for dialogue with DCMS on key policy issues for the sector, and to work closely with Historic England colleagues on Heritage Counts. Alongside this, the Heritage Skills Demand Group and the Historic Environment Protection Reform Group, both continued to convene and make progress against their respective workplans.
We launched our new Heritage Sector Resilience Interview series to spotlight and showcase collaborative action already underway across the historic environment sector that supports or relates to the HSRP. Ten interviews covering the theme of ‘Skills’ are now available to read as a collection, and we look forward to highlighting further initiatives on the theme of ‘Climate Change’ as we progress through the early months of 2024.
The HEF Team.