Industrial Heritage #HeritageChat

Heritage 2020 held its March #HeritageChat on the theme of Industrial Heritage, sustainable management and engagement. The session was led by Dr Nicola Palmer alongside @HeritageChat and @Heritage_NGOs. Seven questions were used to prompt discussion: Below is a compilation of answers to each question. You can also look back at the conversation chronologically via Twitter: #HeritageChat. The chat first tackled the question of younger generations’ engagement with industrial heritage: The topic of UrbEx (urban exploration) was raised as an example of alternative engagement with industrial heritage. Steampunk was another example cited. Question 2 looked at approaches and responses to the loss of first-hand accounts and personal links to the industrial past. The discussion went on to address volunteering – from recognition to training and examples of best practice. The reliance of industrial heritage sites on volunteers was much talked about. Participants shared examples of programmes & resources addressing skills and knowledge specific to industrial heritage. With question 4, the conversation turned to collaboration between industrial heritage sites and industrial bodies. What are the likely impacts of Brownfield Registers for unidentified industrial heritage? The benefits and costs of gaining Industrial World Heritage status were debated: Finally, conversation turned to the opportunities arising from the designation of 2018 as European Year of Cultural Heritage, and the European Route of Industrial Heritage, for the UK industrial heritage sector at large. The discussion was wrapped up following a productive session, full of shared examples and potential for future collaborations: Many thanks to all for taking part! The next #HeritageChat will be on 19 April, 13.00-14.00, on the theme of Digital. We hope to build on the recent Heritage2020 digital workshop and the conversation started by the #CultureIsDigital project. If you’d like to help run the next #HeritageChat, please get in touch! #HeritageChat is always on the third Thursday of every month, 1pm-2pm UK time. The theme is usually agreed one month ahead of time. More information here.